Bridget Whitlow M.S., LMFT



Addiction Recovery

Drinker's Checklist

LifeRing Secular Recovery

Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Path to Recovering from Addiction

SMART Recovery: Self-Management and Recovery Training

Anxiety & Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors

Fight for Your Rights: Getting Your Insurance Company to Pay for BFRB Treatment by Fred Penzel, Ph.D.

Trichotillomania Learning Center

Crisis Hotlines

Child and Adolescent Support Advocacy & Resource Center (CASARC): 628-206-8386

Crisis Text Line: Text "LISTEN" to 741-741

SAMHSA's Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746

Interactive Map of Bay Area Emergency Departments via Dr. Merritt

Marin County Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline 24/7: 415-499-1100

My3 App by California Mental Health Services Authority

National Center for Victims of Crime Hotline: 855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846)

National Sexual Assault Online Hotline via the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800.273.TALK(8255) - soon to be "988"

Now Matters Now: DBT Skills & Helplines

Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222

ReliefLink App

San Francisco Mental Health Peer-Run Warm Line: 1-855-845-7415

San Francisco Women Against Rape 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-415-647-RAPE

Suicide: Read This First

Suicide Safe by SAMHSA and The Suicide Prevention App for Primary Care & Behavioral Health Providers

Teen Line (Confidential Peer Support): Call 310-855-4673 or text "Teen" to 839863

Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860

The Trevor Project Lifeline, Chat, & Text: 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678

Warmlines: Peer-run listening line staffed by people in recovery themselves.

Create a Wellness Recovery Action Plan! via Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D.

Eating Disorders


Change Direction's Know the Five Signs: Personality Change, Agitation, Withdrawl, Poor Self-Care, & Hopelessness

Child Abuse Hotlines and Information: 800.4.A.CHILD (800.422.4453)

Crash Override Network: A crisis helpline, advocacy group, and resource center for online abuse victims

Koko: A social network to help calm stress

MHASF Peer-Run Warm Line: 855-845-7415

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.SAFE(7233) 

Parity Implementation Coalition

Patient Bill of Rights

Project Hope Exchange: 855.975.HOPE / 855-975-4673

Drug Take-Back: What Do I Do with My Leftover Meds?

San Francisco TALK Line for Parents and Caregivers: 415.441.KIDS / 415-441-5437

Stalking Resource Center

TeenzTalk: Peer-to-Peer Connections - "Together we inspire growth"

That's Not Cool: "Decreasing teen dating violence due to technology, and is increasing awareness for healthy teen relationships online."

Grief & Loss

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Coping with Suicide Loss

Camp Erin: Bereavement Camps for Children & Teens (6-17 years old)

HAND: Helping After Neonatal Death

Hospice by the Bay Grief Support (open to children age three and older, teens, and adults)

Josie's Place: For Bereaved Youth & Families

Kara: Grief Support for Children, Teen, Families, and Adults

The Dougy Center: The National Center for Grieving Children & Families


Mindfulness & Meditation



Sexual Health, Rights and Pleasure

Amaze: Age appropriate and animated sexual health videos for 10-14 year olds

Answer: Sex Ed, Honestly via Rutgers University

Bedsider: Online birth control support network for women 18-29 years old

Declaration of Sexual Rights via World Association for Sexual Health

O.School: Non-judgemental resource for sexulaity and dating

Scarleteen: Sex Ed for the Real World for Teens and Emerging Adults

Sexplanations: Video "sexedutainment for the universe" hosted by Dr. Lindsey Doe

Sexual Pleasure Training Toolkit via Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing

Smoking Cessation

Social Media Health

Center for Human Technology co-founded by Tristan Harris

Common Sense Media's Family Media Agreement and Device Contract

Wait Until 8th: Delaying smartphone use by kids until 8th grade

Treatment Assistance & Grants
