High Points from the 7 Days of 2015 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

As always, NEDA's National Eating Disorder's Awareness Week was full and overflowing with face-to-face and social media events - here are just a few of my top favs!

1. Sunday, February 22nd: The 3rd Annual #AdiosED Twitterparty on "Self-Care in Recovery."

2. Monday, February 23rd: NIMH Twitter Chat on Binge Eating Disorder with Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D., HuffPost Live's discussion on eating disorders among pregnant women, and NEDA's recorded Google Hangout "MarginalizED Voices."

3. Tuesday, February 24th: ASDAH's first Health At Every Size video, "Poodle Science" went live on the 23rd, but the retweets were going strong on the 24th! To read more about the story behind the video, visit here.

4. Wednesday, February 25th: A good reminder from Ellen Fitzsimmons Craft.

5. Thursday, February 26th: NEDA's Tweet Chat on "Identifying Disordered Behaviors Before They Go Too Far" and a shout-out tweet from the NIMH on Dr. Bulik's 2014 videos that bust 9 Eating Disorder Myths.

6. Friday, February 27th: NEDA's Tweet Chat on "What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Patients: Medical Professionals and Eating Disorders." One of my favorite resources on this topic that is available at no cost *and* in 7 different languages, is the Academy for Eating Disorder's Guide to Medical Risk Management - please download and share with abandon!

7. Satruday, February 28th: On the last day, NEDA asked parents to share their words of wisdom. Two (from the week and beyond) that struck me are from Don Blackwell and IED Action, both calling out for larger scale changes to help those struggling with an eating disorder. If you'd like to get involved with this, please reach out to them and consider joining in the next Eating Disorders Coalition Lobby Day!

Now I would love to hear from you - what were your stand out NEDA Awareness Week events?


Bridget Whitlow